Blake  Rocki


Old soul vibe.  Big kid voice.



Self Tape Reel

About Blake

Blake Rocki Kid Voiceover Actor

Blake Rocki has overcome great challenges and carries a wisdom far beyond his 10 years of life. When he entered this world 3 months early, weighing in at 2 lbs. 10 ounces, let’s just say, he was the biggest Micro Preemie born that August. At 1 years old, Blake was diagnosed with Spastic Diplegia Cerebral Palsy and embarked on an intense journey of healing. After lots of physical therapy, two major surgeries and loving support from his family- Blake is doing amazing!

Blake is now a thriving, healthy, funny, smart kid, who is doing awesome in school, has fun playing video games, loves reading books, his two labs, and going on trips with his family, especially going to Universal Studios. Blake is always ready to help everyone with anything, like feeding and walking the dogs, doing dishes or his own laundry. He even loves to make his mom a cup of coffee in the morning, and he’s very excited to follow in his mom’s footsteps by jumping into voice over. When you choose Blake for any voiceover project, you’ll find a dedicated, smart, consistent, playful and witty kid – ready to rock and bring even more good things to your story.

Jozlyn Rocki Female Voice Talent | Website Content Copyright © 2023